Professional Child Custody Investigation:

Is a deadbeat compromising your child’s welfare by avoiding child ren support? Our detective is your answer to locating a deadbeat and reminding them of their legal obligations. Our company’s private detectives can assist you to know the whereabouts as well as the workplaces and any hidden assets registered by an absentee parent. With a proven track record of handling parents’ custodial cases, our child custody private investigators will make every effort to ensure you receive monthly payments towards child support.
Swift Children Custody Cases
Child support is a matter that needs to be handled in a timely and professional manner. Unfortunately, the courts and law enforcement personnel are overwhelmed meaning they cannot carry out swift and thorough investigations on deadbeats. The fact that they operate on meager resources makes things worse. Our detectives will conduct cases on the other parent and present you with timely evidence which your attorney can use to make timely presentations towards child support.
Your Child’s Interest is Our Top Priority
Far too many private detectives rush through analysis in order to get paid quickly. Our motivation is not to get paid fast, rather it’s to ensure that you secure the interests of your children by getting just and timely support payments. We never charge more or take a cut beyond what’s reasonable from children’s support money. Our private detectives focus entirely on getting evidence. We leave the administration of payments to the courts.
Our private child custody private detective employs a variety of tactics to assist clients. Sometimes, they can obtain details of the employer to justify that a deadbeat can make support payments while other times, we can provide evidence to show that a deadbeat is hiding income to avoid payments. No matter what the deadbeat is up to, you can always depend on our private investigators to obtain key evidence that will ensure a favorable outcome in your child custody case.
Hire a Private Detective to Locate a Deadbeat!
Do you need assistance in tracking down a deadbeat or uncovering their assets? Call 844-266-3468 to speak to a private detective. We’re ready to assist you with investigations to locate any deadbeat parent, and their current workplace, and retrieve assets they own.